Philadelphia Awards Reception
March 7th,2018 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Penns Landing Caterers
1301 S. Columbus Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA, 19147
The Peggy Browning Fund's Philadelphia Awards Reception recognizes leaders in the region for their achievements on behalf of workers.
The reception begins at 5:30 p.m. with cocktails, networking and buffet. The awards ceremony begins at 7:15 p.m.
Michael Barnes, Int'l Vice President & President, IATSE Local 8
Esteban Vera, Jr., Business Manager, Laborers' Local 57
Mariann E. Schick, Esq., Arbitrator & Mediator
Host Committee
Michael Artz Kiera Barnes Neal Bisno Richard Brean Margaret Brogan Ralph Colflesh Robert Curley Stuart Davidson Walter DeTreux John J. Dougherty Dorothy Moore Duncan Kenneth Egger Patrick Eiding Marcial Gonzalez George Hutt Rhonda Gelman Kelley Ted Kirsch James Kokolas Joseph Lurie Gary Masino Matt McIntyre Mary Theresa Metzler Mary Anne Moffa Henry Nicholas Robert O'Brien Confesor Plaza Vincent Pitta Samuel Pond Richard Resnick Lynn Rhinehart Stephen Richman Richard Sigmond Samuel Spear Alan Symonette Patrick Szymanski Hon. Christine Tartaglione Timothy Tietze Ralph Teti Tricia Barnes Vargo Rahine West Gwynne Wilcox Deborah Willig Wendel Young IV
SPONSORS (As of March 12, 2018)
Laborers' Local 57
IATSE Local 8
IBEW Local 98
Laborers Eastern Region Organizing Fund
IUPAT District Council 21
Jackson Lewis PC
Kline & Specter
Pond Lehocky Stern Giordano
UFCW Local 1776
Utility Line Services, Inc.
Corbin Capital Partners, LP
Express Scripts
Hardman Johnston Global Advisors
Independence Blue Cross
INTECH Construction
Heavy & Highway Construction Workers Local 158
Law Offices of Adam M. Kotlar, LLC
Malamut & Associates LLC
Markowitz & Richman
NECA Penn-Del-Jersey Chapter
NUHHCE District 1199C
PCH Technologies
Plumbers Local 690
Prudential Retirement
Katherine Hanson and Michael Schick
Spivak Lipton LLP
Walt DeTreux
Pasternack Tilker Ziegler Walsh Stanton & Romano
AmeriHealth Caritas
Aumiller Lomax, LLC
Drake & Collopy, PC
Employing Bricklayers Assoc. of Delaware Valley
Mary D. Hangley
IBEW Local 827
J. A. Mariano Agency
Louis P. Mattucci & Assoc. Ltd.
Judith Teller
USW Local 4889
Sponsorship Levels
Steward Sponsor $10,000+
- Recognition as an event sponsor in all event program books, in the PBF newsletter and on website
- Cover Ad in program book
- Recognition from the podium during the Awards Presentation
- Business Name/logo in Power Point display
- Twenty reservations to the reception (2 tables)
Guardian Sponsor $5,000
- Recognition as the event sponsor in all event program books, in the PBF newsletter and on website
- Cover or Center Ad in program book
- Recognized from the podium during the Awards Presentation
- Business Name/logo in Power Point display
- Ten reservations to the reception (1Table)
Fellow Sponsor $2,500
- Recognition in all event program books and on website
- Gold Page Ad in program book
- Business Name/logo in Power Point display
- Four reservations to the reception
Advocate Sponsor $1,000
- Recognition in all event program books and on website
- Full Page Ad in program book
- Business Name/logo in Power Point display
- Two reservations to the reception
Levels Below Do Not Include Reservations to the Reception or Ads in the Program Book!
Friend $500
- Listing in event program and on website
Donor $250
- Listing in event program and on website
Supporter $100
- Listing in event program
Program Book Ads - Do Not Include Reservations!
- $1,000 Gold Page Ad (4.5”W x 7.5”H) Gold Ink
- $500 Full Page Ad B/W (4.5”W x 7.5”H)
- $400 Half Page Ad B/W (4.5”W x 3.5”H)
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