SMART, Sheet Metal Workers Local Union No. 104

Sacramento, CA

This is the 2023 fellowship description for this mentor organization.

The Sheet Metal Worker’s Local Union No. 104 serves to protect and raise the living standard of skilled tradespersons in the construction industry. We strive to establish and maintain through signatory employers, desirable working conditions and provide for our members and their families that measure of comfort, happiness and security to which every person is entitled. The officers within the Local work to fight for better wages and working conditions and a level playing field for our signatory employers.

The Sheet Metal Worker’s Local Union No. 104 was chartered in 1903 after workers in the California Bay Area organized. Over its history, Local 104 has grown to the largest charter member among the union's 185 international branches. Sheet Metal Workers' Local Union No. 104 spans 49 California counties from the Oregon border to Ventura County, from the Pacific Ocean to the Nevada border. As the Local grows, it looks to further influence local and state politics and support working families and their communities.

The fellow would have the opportunity to work with union-side lawyers on a wide variety of issues. These will include working on building cases and researching regulatory matters that affect the labor movement and the rights of workers within the State of California. The fellow would work under the Business Development and Compliance Departments to research legal inquiries and provide guidance on questions that arise in the pursuit of the Local’s goals. Typical work projects include: assisting communications and advertising efforts with simple explanations of worker rights guaranteed by state and/or federal law as well as those memorialized by the Local’s Collective Bargaining Agreement; researching legal inquiries from the Business Development Department (i.e., organizers); working alongside the Local’s attorneys to provide guidance for organizing efforts and strategic campaigns.

Our fellow would have the opportunity to work remotely should they elect, but most time would be spent in the Local's Sacramento Office.

Fellows will receive a stipend of $10,000 for the 10 week program.

Please direct a cover letter and resume to:
David Vincent
4040 Lennane Drive
Sacramento, CA 95834

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